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28-29 May 2018 | 9AM - 6PM

Putrajaya Marriott Hotel


There is leadership and then there is Collaborative Leadership —


Leading with a team, leading with other leaders.  And that is the ultimate in leadership, in effectiveness, in peak performance, and in being on the cutting edge of learning, growth, and development.


Old fashion leadership that transcended the centuries from long before the modern calendar and all the way up through the 19th century was military leadership, ‘command and control leadership’, dictatorship, tyranny.  But none of that works very well any longer.  Today people don’t want to be bossed-around, they want to be led.  They don’t want to be ordered, commanded, forced, threatened— they want a true leader who hears them, responds to them, is real, is congruent, is competent, is ethical, communicates, and presents an inspirational vision about what’s possible.


And that kind of leadership takes a team.  It requires a leadership team which includes all of the diverse knowledge and skills which are required to achieve our mutual visions of the future.  This is what Collaborative Leadership is all about.

Learning Objectives

  • Assessment: How collaborative are you?

  • Appreciating the power of collaboration

  • 7 Kinds of Collaborations

  • 7 Core Questions about Collaboration

  • 10 Steps to Collaboration

  • The Collaboration Quadrants

  • Collaboration Synergy: Self & Other;  Willing,  Able & Emotionally Available

  • Pseudo-Collaborations: False substitutes for true Collaboration

  • Barriers to Collaboration: How we prevent it

  • 17 Collaboration Skills

  • Synergizing Skills

  • Principles of Collaboration

  • Creating a Collaborative Culture

  • Embracing the Bigger Game

  • Collaboration as an expression of Self-Actualization

Who'll Benefit

All aspiring leaders who have a desire to further shape their leadership qualities and recognize the importance that learning to lead one self is a necessary component of great leadership.


Executives, managers and team leaders who desire to extend their capacity and communication effectiveness in their role.

Dr. L. Michael Hall

  • Co-creator of Neuro-Semantic NLP

  • Co-developer of the Meta-Coaching System®

  • Founder of the New Human Potential Movement

  • International Trainer of Executives, Coaches, and Corporate Trainers

  • Prolific author of over 50 books

  • Recognized modeler of genius in leadership, resilience, wealth creation, communication, and collaboration

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