Neuro-Semantics NLP
The Meaning Maker
Create empowering meaning for yourself and experience a more fullfilling life

Neuro-Semantics is about your personal development for greater meaningfulness, success, and contribution in life.
In Neuro-Semantics we focus on the processes that will reliably unleash your highest and best potentials. We do that by enabling you to create the most enhancing and robust meanings that will then enable you to implement your best values into the actions that make up your performances. By modeling excellence in people who are actualizing their highest and best we continue to create new models.
Neuro-Semantics focuses on self-actualization for individuals, companies, communities, and nations. And because self-actualization arises from the synergy of meaning and performance, we use the Self-Actualization Quadrants as a model and tool for enabling self-actualization.
Neuro-Semantics enables you to win the inner game so you can achieve peak performance in your outer games of everyday life.
Your inner games are your semantics or meanings. Your inner game is made up of your meaning frames. Your outer games occurs in your body and neurology. It is here that you actualize your meanings.
If every behavior and response you produce is the performance of a meaning, what meanings are you performing? What is the quality of that performance? Do you like what you are actualizing or would you like to transform what you are creating?
If, as a meaning-maker, you create your meanings that you then live, what is the quality of meanings that you are living? Are there any new or higher meanings that you would like to perform? How meaningful is your life?
How well are you translating your highest meanings into everyday actions as you close your Knowing-Doing gap?
Neuro-Semantics empowers you to unleash your highest potentials!
How? By enabling you to develop the required skills by which you can unleash your potentials. To facilitate this, we have provided you lots and lots of free articles and patterns on our many websites. There are also books you can read, trainings where you can get individual attention, as well as personal Meta-Coaches are available all around the world.
In Neuro-Semantic books, trainings, and with Coaches and Consultants, you can learn models for understanding the nature of our minds, emotions, and bodies and you can experience patterns for developing greater competence, self-confidence, and success in careers, health and fitness, and relationships.
“Neuro-Semantic” more technically the term Semantics refers to the meanings you create as a meaning-maker. What are your meanings about yourself, others, life, your career, health, wealth, relationships, etc.? Are they significant and robust? Are they exciting and enlivening? What meanings are you seeking to actualize in life? What meanings have you actualized? How well do the meanings that you are living serve you? How ecological are they?
Neurology (neuro-) refers to your body, physiology, and your states. It is in and through your neurology that you feel, experience, and perform your meanings. What do you perform? What semantic reactions do you experience emotionally and as your skills? Do they reflect your best ideas and meanings? Or is there a big gap between what you know and what you do? Neuro-Semantics focuses on closing the Knowing-Doing gap.
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.