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  • Writer's pictureM Marzuki Mohamed

Demystifying Leadership: Part 3 - The Neuro-Semantics of Actualising Self-Leadership

Updated: Jun 3, 2021

Thank you for joining me in this part. In the previous part, we discussed "What is Leadership." We will now continue with the "Neuro-Semantics of Actualising Self-Leadership.

I'd like to bring to you three points.

  1. The Models for Self-Actualisation

  2. Eight Core Competencies for Actualising Your Highest and Best

  3. Seven Leadership Criteria to actualise your self-leadership.

(click here to view the video)

1 The Models for Self-Actualisation

Let's take the first point that is The Models for Self-Actualisation.

In Neuro-Semantics and Self-Actualisation Psychology we are using five models to guide us to give us a structure of how to bring out the best leadership characteristics in a person.

  • The first model is the Hierarchy of Needs. From this model, we look at the needs, the instincts and the instinctoids in the human being. The symbolic needs, the neurotic needs, the healthy needs in a person and also the criteria of needs and effective coping.

  • The second model is the Human Potential Movement encounter groups. We looked at the failure of the first Human Potential Movement and the reasons why it failed. From there, we discovered that there was no single model for how to unleash potentials systematically and dependably.

  • The third model is the Meaning-Performance Axis. Whatever someone brings to full actualisation is meaningful and is performed.

  • The fourth model is the Self-Actualisation Quadrants. From these Self-Actualisation Quadrants, we identify the self-actualisation pathway. Getting into the zone, the synergy of meaning and performance, and we realise that change and performance, meaningful performance, is systemic. It is not linear and there are altogether 12 Meta-Programs involved in these Self-Actualisation Quadrants.

  • And the fifth model used for self-actualisation is the Matrix Embedded Pyramid. In this model, we identify that the "meaning you give is the instinct that you live." Semantically loaded drives that become neurotic needs. Trying to self-actualise at too low a level prevents you from actually actualising your best self. From the Matrix Embedded Pyramid, we are moving up the axis of meaning to go to higher and higher-level meanings that will become the meanings that drive our performance.

That's for the first point, The Models for Self-Actualisation.

2 Eight Core Competencies for Actualising your Highest and Best

The second point about The Neuro-Semantics of Actualising Self-Leadership is the Eight Core Competencies for actualising your highest and best self. These eight competencies come from the eight matrices; that we move into the world with all of these eight matrices.

The Matrix Model

State | Meaning | Intention |Self | Others | Power | Time | World

From these eight matrices, emerge Eight Core Competencies.

  • From the matrix of State is the competency of Passion/Passionate

  • From the matrix of Meaning is the competency of Creativity

  • From the matrix of Intention is the competency of Congruence

  • From the matrix of Self is the competency of Authenticity

  • From the matrix of Others is the competency of Collaboration

  • From the matrix of Power is the competency of Empowerment

  • From the matrix of Time is the competency of Presence

  • From the matrix of the World is the competency of Courage

Eight Core Competencies for Actualising your Highest and Best

Passion | Creativity | Congruence | Authenticity | Collaboration | Empowerment | Presence | Courage

3 Seven Leadership Criteria

The third point about actualising self-leadership is the Seven Leadership Criteria. Why seven? Because they are also derived from the seven of the eight matrices.

  • The first leadership criterion is the criterion for Authenticity. Being and then acting from your true self, without masks and personas. Being real and true to yourself, to your gifts, talent, values and vision.

  • The second criterion is the criterion of Integrity. It's about being as good as your word, being impeccably honest and fair-minded.

  • The third criterion is the criterion of Congruency. Applying the principles to yourself so that you walk the talk.

  • The fourth criterion is the criterion of Contributing. Giving of yourself to others, serving the organisation from the organisation's principles.

  • The next criterion, the fifth criterion, is the criterion for Collaborating. Operating as a team player and cooperating with the others around you.

  • The sixth criterion is Pioneering. Leading or moving out into new areas. That's what leaders do!

  • And the seventh criterion is the criterion of Communicating; sharing and disclosing in ways that are appropriate, clear precise, engaging, and compelling.

Seven Leadership Criteria

Authenticity | Integrity | Congruency | Contributing | Collaborating | Pioneering | Communicating

These are the three points about the Neuro-Semantics of Actualising Self-Leadership.

  1. The Models of Self-Actualisation

  2. Eight Core Competencies for Actualising your Highest and Best, and

  3. Seven Leadership Criteria

Thank you for joining me in this part. In the next part, we will be discussing "The Five Essential Leadership Skills."


The Models of Self-Actualisation, Eight Core Competencies for Actualising your Highest and Best, and Seven Leadership Criteria were developed by Dr. L. Michael Hall, Director and Co-Founder of Neuro-Semantics.

More information about Neuro-Semantics Models:

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